Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spring Projects

Spring in New England is a Magical time. This year we have been blessed with an early spring(about 2 weeks ahead of schedule) and very warm weather. The downside has been fear of frost, and lack of rain. Actually we are in a drought. But we are not going to let it get us down....nope not us.We(Gary and I )have many irons in the fire....I will try not to go overboard describing them.

1. Our Spring Chicks need their coop built(this is a priority)!!

This is Sunny in front!!

2. Our raised Garden Beds are being built(and acquired) faster
than we can fill them with soil(compost and Loam).

3. The seedlings are growing faster than I can
make garden beds to plant them in!!!(Arggg!!!)

4.We Still haven't worked on the Dining room/Mud room.(needs wall paper, flooring and trims)

5. We have plans to expand our deck......and most of the materials to do it with!!

6.We want/need to finish our fence in the back yard for the puppy(she will be 5 in May) we started the spring we got her!!!

7.I bought the materials to repaint out front door and shutters(because we just got a new roof and need to spruce up a bit)

I am sure I am forgetting a few things, I always do, but it is a sobering list and I really want to get as much as I can done. A lot I can tackle on my own with a little help from DH but He has an equal share of work to do as well....and Summer gets hot and we poop out with the heat.

Love, Victoria

1 comment:

  1. If you get a chance, check out these blokes in England who did some of the same stuff a few years back. (that link will take you to the first video in their series)
