Saturday, February 18, 2012


Welcome, My name is Victoria
I am a SAHW or stay at home wife( because we don't have kids)
Unless you count the 2 cats.......


 and our dog Cali.
My spoiled Baby <3

Cali and my Nephew Jesse.

I live on Beautiful Cape Cod Located on the east coast of MA,US.
My Beautiful Nephews @ the Boardwalk

Half of the year is Beautiful June thru November sometimes December,and then it is cold, wet or both.
I really love it here despite the half year of disagreeable weather.
Falmouth Beach,Cape Cod,MA

Because I know at some point it will be beautiful again.....
Heritage Museum and Gardens

I did this for my sister in law!!!

I am a baker a crafter and I love the internet.
My favorite sites are Pinterest and Facebook, and too many blogs to mention here
now, but I will as we go along. I love to cook, and decorate and just about all things domestic.
I am called, lovingly I am sure, "Suzy Homemaker", "Martha Stewart" and "Little Miss Fancy Pants"
I really don't mind as long as you don't call me late for
This is my first BLOG and I hope that I can be entertaining and informative, because that's what I like.
I will also endeavor to be as Kind and Friendly as I would also like all my readers to be.
As you can tell I like to take pictures so stay tuned and I will try to provide a feast for the eyes as well!!


Follow Me on Pinterest


  1. Nice blog, i cant wait to see more!

  2. Looks good. I wanna see more pix!

  3. Sure they count! Everyone that has pets knows that they're our 4 legged furkids and just as much a part of the family as the furless ones ^_~
