Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Off of Facebook for Lent

I am not religious!!!!
But I am interested in the concept of lent.
..mainly in giving something up
and the emotions that stem from the perceived
notion that it is a sacrifice.
I am an admitted Facebook addict.
or rather a FB stalker/news-er.
I don't really post that much about myself, I am not a serial status updater.
I like to see what others are doing and I get a lot of content from my likes,
like blogs I am subscribed to and coupon sites and celebrities.
So I get my personal type of content on FB. and I get to keep up with my friends and family.
But I also play Games.(don't Judge)
I used to play about four games now I only play one(RC).
But I feel more and more like I have become addicted to *checking* my FB.
What I am really hoping for is a sense of calm and a fresh look at my surroundings.
I have neglected my home and myself for too long because I am constantly online
So I have decided to give it up and see what life is like as a non *Checker*
I will communicate through this Blog and my Email, phone, or in person  :)
We shall see what happens, but I am sure only good can come of it!!!
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  1. Won't find me judging on those games. There's still one big game I play and about 4 of those 1 minute wonder time-suck kinda games. I'm doing a bit better about not being on all day though. A start in the right direction. Now to get myself back into blogging again.

  2. I love this Blog it is reminding me what is important to me. I really don't miss facebook. not much really.Just have come to terms with how much time I waste there. I may just give it up all we will see:)
