Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Food on the Table is a great little site I found, easy to use and navigate, and if you need help creating your weekly menu and shopping lists and want them to match the sale items from your local grocery store, then this is the site for you!!

I was in awe of their site, I signed up and went to work creating my custom menu and as I went they would alert me to sale items at my store so I could tailor my menu to those items. Then a shopping list is created for you which you may add to or deselect items, like things you may already have on hand, or need other than what is on the list.

Then you can print it all out, or have it emailed to yourself or even sent straight to your cell phone.
I can not tell you how easy this site is to navigate, I even add my own recipes and that is one of my favorite things to do.

Please go check out this site, it is low cost and easy, and those are my favorite words.....

UPDATE!!! 5/25/12
Get the meal planning service, Food on the Table, FREE FOR LIFE when you use the coupon code MAYFREE at checkout. Such a great deal!

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Off of Facebook for Lent

I am not religious!!!!
But I am interested in the concept of lent.
..mainly in giving something up
and the emotions that stem from the perceived
notion that it is a sacrifice.
I am an admitted Facebook addict.
or rather a FB stalker/news-er.
I don't really post that much about myself, I am not a serial status updater.
I like to see what others are doing and I get a lot of content from my likes,
like blogs I am subscribed to and coupon sites and celebrities.
So I get my personal type of content on FB. and I get to keep up with my friends and family.
But I also play Games.(don't Judge)
I used to play about four games now I only play one(RC).
But I feel more and more like I have become addicted to *checking* my FB.
What I am really hoping for is a sense of calm and a fresh look at my surroundings.
I have neglected my home and myself for too long because I am constantly online
So I have decided to give it up and see what life is like as a non *Checker*
I will communicate through this Blog and my Email, phone, or in person  :)
We shall see what happens, but I am sure only good can come of it!!!
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Sunday, February 19, 2012


I have been devouring all I can find on the art of cookie decorating for several months now. , Glorioustreats , and are the three sites I visit most often.
They have the best tutorials and step by step instructions you could ever ask for.
These women are artists, they are geniuses with royal icing. I can not say enough how much they inspire me.
Because of them I have made these....



I am still a novice, I am still learning, experimenting, and designing.
This is a whole new world of possibilities that has opened to me.
I am already planning my spring and Easter cookies!
I will do a blog post on that as I get them finished up.
Please find what calls to you, research it and immerse yourself in it, you will realize that 
even the things that you once thought you couldn't do, you really can do!!!


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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Baking is my passion

I think I would describe myself as a baker.
I love baked goods.
Of all kinds.....

Homemade white Bread for french toast!!

Irish Soda Bread.

Home made White bread and Wheat Bread!!

Birthday Cake: White cake with Strawberry filling and Frosting.


Box of Valentine Cookies!!

One of the cookies I made for my 12th Anniversary!!

                                                        Fall sugar cookies!!
Valentine Sugar cookie!

Valentine Heart!!

Killer Brownies: Double chocolate with Toffee bits,chocolate chips and Caramel sauce!
Ham and Cheese Puff Pastry Pinwheels!

I am not sure if I would like to do it from the crack of dawn till dusk...
But I would like to sell what I make, or take orders and bake to order,
that way I would only have to
do what needs to be done and never have any waste.
That would be my ideal job.
Then I would spend the rest of my time creating and remaking recipes.
I would love to learn to bake gluten free and maybe even vegan.
I have a lot of family and friends that would benefit from my learning.
Either way I will always bake, and my friends and family will
always receive the fruits of my labor of love....  :)


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Welcome, My name is Victoria
I am a SAHW or stay at home wife( because we don't have kids)
Unless you count the 2 cats.......


 and our dog Cali.
My spoiled Baby <3

Cali and my Nephew Jesse.

I live on Beautiful Cape Cod Located on the east coast of MA,US.
My Beautiful Nephews @ the Boardwalk

Half of the year is Beautiful June thru November sometimes December,and then it is cold, wet or both.
I really love it here despite the half year of disagreeable weather.
Falmouth Beach,Cape Cod,MA

Because I know at some point it will be beautiful again.....
Heritage Museum and Gardens

I did this for my sister in law!!!

I am a baker a crafter and I love the internet.
My favorite sites are Pinterest and Facebook, and too many blogs to mention here
now, but I will as we go along. I love to cook, and decorate and just about all things domestic.
I am called, lovingly I am sure, "Suzy Homemaker", "Martha Stewart" and "Little Miss Fancy Pants"
I really don't mind as long as you don't call me late for
This is my first BLOG and I hope that I can be entertaining and informative, because that's what I like.
I will also endeavor to be as Kind and Friendly as I would also like all my readers to be.
As you can tell I like to take pictures so stay tuned and I will try to provide a feast for the eyes as well!!


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