Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My Cake Decorating Adventures!!

As I have said before I love to bake and create, and recently I decided to take my local cake decorating class. I thought it would be fun to learn a new thing or two...but it turns out I know quite a lot already :)

My teacher Cindy thinks I will make a good teacher, so I am taking all the classes, and the (dreaded by me) Fondant classes....lol . Now I am not afraid of fondant, per say...I am just not a fan of the taste.

I was watching cable at a friends house...lol(I don't have cable at my house)and I ran across the Cake Boss on TLC, so I watched it....and I saw him build this Beautiful cake(then he covered it in fondant). What surprised me was that when it was time to serve this cake, he deconstructed it and served the cake without the fondant!!! I was shocked, and happy at the same time. I didn't know that that was what was done....I always thought that you cut it up and served it with the fondant (and you just had to peel it off yourself..LOL)

 So now I am looking at fondant as a removable(non edible) decoration!!! I just might like this after all :) Now onto the Food Porn...lol this is my last cake...Enjoy!!

Birthday Cake for my Favorite sister in law!!

I love how my cake class cake turned out!!
I have gotten pretty good at the 
basket weave technique!!

Thank you for enjoying my passion 
through pictures...I promise to keep posting.....
as long as I have ideas!!!

Love ~Victoria~


  1. Beautiful....Kat M

    1. Thanks Kathy, I had a lot of fun doing it, we gottta get together and bake sometime. :)

  2. I love the yellow cake. So pretty. :)
