Thursday, May 17, 2012

Your Guide to Free Summer Fun via The Money saving mom.

A Cape Cod Summer

I want to be clear... this is where I got lots of info and really happy to find so many cool things to do for free and almost free.

I have posted links to most all of these places on my Facebook Page, and many links
with the captions for the pictures that follow as well.

We all know summer is fun, but there are so many days that you have "down time" no plans, and really no desire to go anywhere. But then you hear "i'm bored" and you better have stuff on hand or at least an Idea of where to go or what to do to make that whinny voice go away.

Last summer Gary and I had the wonderful Blessing of hosting our Nephews for the summer months into the fall...

As I knew they were coming I scoured the internet, the Library and kept my eyes open to all the daily deal sites out Livingsocial, groupon etc...

I was rewarded with a summer of FUN because I planned ahead. many things were at our leisure or so flexible we could switch them around if we needed to because of weather or last min "episodes", the kids may have had. Or other fun opportunities that came our way!!!

we were very blessed that there were no illnesses, no accidents, no real incidents at all. It was a fun summer, one I will never forget!!

Here is what we did............ In no particular order.......

Gary and the Boys last ride on the Green Machine.

Jesse was so happy to go on the tractor pull!!

The corn maze!!

A horse drawn hay ride!!

Pony ride for Jesse!!

Anthony's first Pony ride!!

Monster faces on the hay ride!!

I found a great deal on Saveology, for this really cool farm
we all had a blast there.

Living on beautiful Cape Cod gives us a great many places to do FREE fun things.
In this case the Cranberry bog(less than a mile from my home) was being harvested. It was a neat experience for the kids!!

What a fun teaching moment, they love cranberries Raw!!! Lol.

Here we had a fun pre- Halloween Party before the boys went home.
This was the decorate your own Halloween cookie station!!

These are the make your own Pizzas the boys did!!

Here is Miss Grace helping the kids make their pizzas!!

Aunty Hannah(my sister in law) got these cool dino costumes for the kids!!
(we got them at old navy, but you can get them on ebay now)

Here is the Annual Pumpkin Festival in Falmouth,MA.
Hannah and the boys on a horse drawn wagon ride!!

Jesse on another horse ride!!

Anthony on his second ever horse!! He loved it!!

This is one of the FREE Lowes Build and Grow workshops!!

The boys (built) a monster was near Halloween time!!

Hannah and Brian had a cool box the kids (and Hannah) made into an
airplane named Jack

They had a blast!!

then we all built a fire, the kids gathered sticks from the woods!!
and roasted marshmallows and told ghost fun!!

A free playground near the school.

With my brother in law Jim!!! He is a big kid!!

Another day at a free playground, they loved the rock wall!!

More rock wall!!!

Balance, dexterity and coordination skills!!!
and they don't even know it!!!

Hannah bought then a little bike, and LET Jesse ride it in the
She had so much fun with them!!

A bike ride around the neighborhood(free) and Fun!!

Beach Playground at Peters Pond Campground where my husband works!!

Some really great friends at Peters Pond took me and the boys out on their
boat fishing. Jesse caught and reeled in his first fishes!!! 4 to be exact!!!
He was so proud!!

We grow a garden every year, here we harvested the Potatoes!!

Who knew that boys would be so excited to go digging in the dirt!!!

Anthony loved to show off the potatoes he found!!!
and they loved to eat them !!!
They said that they were their potatoes!!!

Relaxing with Brian and Hannah at their house!!

Hannah's parents took us out on their boat in Chatham Harbor.
Hannah and her mom took the boys on a nature walk near the light house!!

Here the boys are enjoying the ride. They each took turns (driving) the boat!!

The annual Labor Day block party on Birch street, Simon says competition...
From kids up to adults love this tradition!!

Here the boys are with their prizes(no one is a looser) :)

A fun afternoon spent with my mother in law, That tractor is over 20 years old!!!
The kids loved it all summer long!!

We also had down is Jesse with our dog Cali!!
don't be alarmed she loved the kids so much
and they could do no

Here was a water fight on the deck. I gave them a bucket of water, a couple
of water guns and let them have fun!!
They loved it!

Sorry the picture is we had homemade pasta.
Anthony loved it and some of it made it into his mouth I am

At 4 and almost 3 the simple things really were fun for them.
I would get the "car cart" when we went to the store as often as we could
find one not in use. and I would pretend they were "driving crazy"
they loved it!!

Here we were at Cartland. I bought a Groupon for this one.
Gary and Jesse in a cart!!

Me and Jesse enjoying an ice cream at Cartland!!

Gary and Anthony on a bumper boat at Cartland!!

Our Ferry ride to Nantucket(a purchase from Groupon)
round trip for four, the kids love boats!!

We found a great little FREE beach area and Playground
on Nantucket where the kids had a blast swimming!!

We took a fun bus trip around the Island, this was a stop for
a picture by the lighthouse!!(me and the Boys)

Gary and the boys in front of the lighthouse!!

Here we are on the ferry ride home...Great trip!!

I love to encourage the kids to help me cook, here
Jesse is making tuna wraps for our picnic lunch!!
(notice the cute dollar store apron!!)

We set up our tent in the yard and camped out.
They fell asleep listening to the crickets.
their only complaint was how loud it was
(city kids :)

They slept straight through the night on their cot.
I loved that it was big enough for both of them!!

Cali is an old pro at camping out and
our tent has a cool bump out just for her!!

Here in our town we have Heritage Museums and Gardens.
I got a family membership for $75 for a year.
We went to so many fun things there,
and they have a really great area for the kids
called Hidden Hollow. A nature explorers dream!

Jesse loved to water the plants !
( he could pump the water into the can all by himself)

Here we saw a concert on the lawn@ Heritage!!

I was never afraid to take the kids out to eat,
they were loud sometimes, but never bad!!
Here we had Chinese food @ Tikiport in Hyannis!!

This was a fun trip to the
Buttonwood Park Zoo in Newbedford,MA
(free tickets through my public Library)

The kids were scared at first, but they
posed for a quick pic with the giant black bear!!

The petting zoo portion of Buttonwood!!
They just love pony's!!

(tickets from my library, free for the kids, $10 for me and it included
the Mayflower II , we didn't have time for :( next time!!)

The Fort in the Plantation.
Kids on one of the massive cannons.

Here they are sitting at one of the tables
inside one of the houses in the English Village
in Plymouth Plantation.

Anthony ,flirting with one of the Pilgrim ladies.
They enjoyed him(as all the girls do)
They stay in character the whole time, so cool!!

A stop in the gift shop before we left for
a souvenir and then a quick pose under the sign!!

Another great FREE event to do with the kids is
see baseball! This is The Cotouit Kettleers
last game of the season!!

Baseball fans!!!

What a great time we had!!!
and Ice cream after!!

Grace and Gary and I took the kids to one of the Braclet days.
One fee to ride as many rides as they can!!

We coordinated their outfits so they would
be easy to find in such a large crowd.
But fun was had by all!!

The playground at Peters Pond Sandwich,MA.
( let me just say before you go to the above website
PPP has many bad reviews, and a sad few years after it was sold
to a new owner in 2006. But it is still a great place to camp for a weekend
and we have many fond memories of friends and family there.)

Here we are feeding the fish at the Fish Hatchery in Sandwich,MA

We loved having "school days" with the boys
(Lucas 4, Dylan 2 3/4 , Jesse 4 and Anthony2 3/4)
They still talk about it!!

A stroll around our neighborhood
after supper with Brian and Hannah!!
( I bought the wagon, but we only used it a few times :( )

After an afternoon of Backyard water fun
with the kids at Miss Grace's house
There was yummy watermelon!!!

As I said before we feel very blessed to have had the long summer with Jesse and Anthony
It was not just a great time of bonding, but a great time of learning for them.
We were able to do so much with them that they don't normally get to do, and I feel so lucky to have given them so many firsts in their young lives. We did so many more things with them than I was able to put here. But these were the highlights, and you get a great picture of all the low cost and some times free!!! fun you can have on Cape Cod. I can't wait to take them on a whale watch some time!!

All it takes is some planning, and some patience. The internet and a few great public resources...and you can also make your home town a great place for the summer!!

I wish you all
Love in your Heart,
Peace in your Mind,
Joy in your Life!!

~Love, Victoria~